Sadie’s Story

Sadie’s Story

Posted by Chamomile & the Sage on

I am a plant witch, clinical herbalist, mother, writer, and holistic health educator dedicated to guiding individuals on their journey to profound healing and renewal. My mission is to empower busy and disconnected souls to embrace transformational balance through the sacred union of plant medicine, trauma resolution, and holistic practices.

With over 10 years of experience as a Clinical Herbalist, I specialize in custom plant formulations and holistic trauma-informed coaching. I address dis-ease in both the mental and physical bodies, using a multifaceted approach that nurtures vitality and encourages lasting change. By harmonizing ancient wisdom with modern modalities, I create a sacred space for transformation, enabling my clients to reclaim their well-being and thrive in vibrant, supportive communities.

Together, I facilitate the journey toward freedom, purpose, and balanced living, helping people embody their divine essence and embrace a harmonious life filled with magic and connection to Mother Earth.

My story is anything but simple, my life has taken many twists and turns, I have walked what some call a difficult path. For me, the path may have been difficult, and I have grown and I see so much beauty in my journey. I have two beautiful children, Rose 20 and Lil 18, and a few wonderful bonus children that call me Mom. I endeavor to teach them the power of an imperfect journey. Our lives have had some serious up and downs and I encourage them to use their experiences as a source of strength and courage as they walk their own journey. The journey to claiming abundance and freedom is all about healing and trust. It is You telling the Divine you are WORTH it, that you are DESERVING of it, trusting it has all happened for you! You stop questioning what could be yours and start realizing it is already yours to have. 

I have struggled with my health for most of my life, in fact when I look back I remember more sick years that healthy ones. I finally hit rock bottom in my health in 2012 I could hardly function. I was plagued with severe pain, anemia, fatigue, rashes, weight loss etc. Over the course of a year, I saw numerous doctors but was either misdiagnosed or told there was nothing wrong, or worse that it was all in my head. It was so bad I ended up in the hospital for days at a time, only to be released with no answers. Then, to go back to the ER days later with my kidneys only functioning at about 10%, and every possible organ system that could have been affected by inflammation was- finally I was diagnosed with SLE Lupus and was told that I needed to immediately start on Cytoxan therapy, which is a type of chemotherapy, in order to reduce the inflammation in my kidneys and prevent kidney failure. While the chemo worked and my kidneys started to bounce back, my overall wellness was not.

For a year my life consisted of just trying to survive. I was 90 pounds and grasping for solutions and failing at getting well, I slept most of the day and had lost the will to keep going. The western medicine system was failing me, I was very sick; physically, mentally, and spiritually. I was not functioning, I did not trust myself or see myself as valuable. Shut down to the connection of my soul, my inner light was unable to shine. I was trapped in a thought pattern of "I would rather be dead"-- lost completely in true darkness. My body was shutting down in dis-ease, I continued to make destructive choices, trapped in a cycle of pain and trauma. I was incapable of being a good mother, doing unintentional emotional harm to my children. Modeling unhealthy habits, disconnected and lost, creating more wounds for all of us.

I finally found myself in the darkest space of my life. I felt truly alone. I had lost custody of my children my family torn apart. My body was not supporting life, I was killing myself slowly. On one of the darkest days when I thought everyone would be better off without me, someone gave me a cup of chamomile tea. As I sat crying drinking the tea I heard a small voice of comfort, the energy of the sun reaching out to give me a breath of peace. This beautiful plant spirit calling to the light inside of me, an invitation to connect. It was a small soothing whisper..."you are worth it, you are strong, this is all happening for you." I started to shift, I slowly started to open my heart. I began drinking tea everyday learning about plants, listening with my heart, making the choice to change. I began believing I was worth it; I committed to heal, to tune in, find my true self, and with the plant allies as my guides, rebirth started. A slow burn at 1st, I began to rebuild, find and live my soul purpose. Each day I could hear more of the plants around me, understand the wisdom they were offering me. I began to believe I was enough.

I found one a naturopathic healer and she worked with me daily to get my body back on track, it was a slow process but it started working. I was able to stop taking most of my prescriptions (that had horrible side effects), and only work with natural products and medicines. I had found freedom and was not going back. I dove deep into understanding natural medicine and anything and everything it could entail. 

I worked hard and experienced true transformation, with the support of the plant kingdom. It was painful and difficult at times and I found my soul's purpose to work with the plants showing others how to listen to their wisdom and heal. Breath by breath I trusted and with patience and perseverance I rebuilt my relationship with my children, gaining more trust and respect. I was reunited with family, built on a new foundation of trust, respect, abundance and equality. Now we are stronger, more powerful, and ready to make an impact. I am able to model healthy habits, connected with Mother Earth and her allies, living a life aligned to my soul's purpose. I developed trust that transformation is possible and that you are always worth the hard work. I am grateful for all the knowledge and wisdom, ready to share and teach others about the power of living a life with tea. 


When I started thinking about the concept of sharing my magic, what is my purpose, how to I help others... it was about the women in my life, a way of sharing our journey in hopes it will help and touch others. I saw the need to empower women to become the best versions of themselves. I had to share the information because it has changed my life! I hand to share about the Plant Kingdom because working with those allies was a very important part in changing the course of my life. I started to see a path forward.

I offer herbal and plant magik education because it is important.

I choose affordable rates because I could not afford it when I needed it.

I do not want anyone to have to walk the journey alone!

My dreams have come alive with The Spice & Tea Exchange and The Woodbury Apothecary, and soon to be the birth of the big vision of Chamomile & The Sage! 

I am blessed and fortunate to be alive, I have changed the quality of life by doing the hard work, releasing and healing myself. 

If you personally are struggling with the disease, you can still live an abundant life by first and foremost by taking an active role in your wellness journey. You have a choice, you can choice to have a hand in your health. Take the risk, you ARE WORTH IT!!

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